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Creative colleagues


November 15, 2019

Teachers are actively creative when they aren’t teaching. Some write books. Others produce podcasts, create art or make music. Here’s a collection of works produced by colleagues who are “out there.”


Calgary painter holds exhibit in south of France

This past summer I held an art show/exhibition in the south of France. It was of paintings I had done while staying in the region, which my family has done for summers for the last 10 years. There was even a brief article about the show in a French regional newspaper. The show went great and I made sales. My next step is to return to painting in the area around Calgary for a future show.

David Nielsen
Bishop O’Byrne High School, Calgary


The Ed Podcast

A podcast about the teaching life. Each week, I talk with a different educator about the things they’re most passionate about. I’ve talked with teachers from all over the world, including a recent conversation with New York Times’ bestselling author Jessica Lahey. Previous discussions have focused on everything from pedagogy and gamification, to student safety and relationships.

Shane Lawrence
Strathcona Christian Academy, Sherwood Park

Available from Apple Podcast and
Part of the Alberta Podcast Network.


Teaching Well: How healthy, empowered teachers lead to thriving, successful classrooms

Teaching Well explores how to avoid burning out while creating an effective learning community in your classroom. You will find the inspiration you need to make the changes that will lead to a healthier work–life balance. This practical and highly readable book will give you the courage and knowledge you need to make wellness a pillar in your life so you can be the motivated and engaged teacher your students need.

Lisa Bush
St. Benedict School, Calgary,
Pembroke Publishers, 2019

Suffering and the Intelligence of Love in the Teaching Life: In Light and In Darkness

A compilation of personal essays, reflections, prose and poetry by teachers about their experiences of suffering, and how these diverse experiences have enriched their teaching.

This book shares insights drawn from the diverse voices of public school teachers, community outreach education workers, professors, writers, poets, artists and musicians on suffering in school and the classroom. Teachers speak about their own encounters with and perceptions of suffering using critical-analytic textual works, as well as first-hand personal accounts. By sharing their stories and reflections, the editors and contributors shed light on the dark areas that often are not addressed in teacher training programs, and that generally remain unaddressed and unacknowledged even as teachers become well-established as professionals in the field of education.

Sean Steel
James Fowler High School, Calgary
Palgrave-Macmillan, 2019

Got an idea? If you’d like to make a submission for publication in Who’s Out There, email a summary and photos to managing editor Cory Hare at


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